Pentagon Meeting
I`d like to write my impression of a Pentagon event. The date was August 25. Pentagon made CD’s in Japanese. And so were events held in Tokyo. CD title is “Shine”. The songs are very active and interesting lyrics. Even in Korea it’s popular. The peculiar dances are also interesting. I recommend these songs. Pentagon is an idol group of 10 people. The group isn’t so popular, but their popularity rose with “Shine”. This song is video was watched seventy million times. That’s a very wonderful thing. Other songs are about 500,000 times. I like Yuto in Pentagon. He is the only Japanese member. He is good at rap. He sings with a very wonderful voice. He is very attractive. This event content is a sign meeting. A member of Pentagon writes his name on a CD. You can’t chose the member. Of course Yuto was good for me. But another member wrote name for me. But I was very happy because I could meet Pentagon. By ...