BTS Concert Part 2

I went to a BTS concert last week. That held Yokohama arena. This time concert is little special. Almost performer sing and dance until the end. But, this concert was a fan meeting. The contents is quite different. For example, highlight is not song and dance. That is talk show. They play a game with fans and they speak about these days in Japan. They show us little performance. That is a fan meeting. It is called Penmi in Korea.


The performance at the fan meeting was also best. They sang a new song. The stage was more powerful than a last concert. I think that would like see all the while. Talk time can see the petty aspect of the member. For example, it is discussed in clumsy Japanese. It is possible to see the form that a member speaks Japanese hard. Fans and BTS are the stage which became close. That is fan meeting.


This time, I felt wonderful that stage and talk show through. I think that stage and usual gap are wonderful. They are cool and sexy on the stge. But They are usually fine like boys. Because I like V in BTS member , recommend you.



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Pentagon Meeting

Infinite Concert From DVD