B1A4 High Touch Meeting
I write about High
touch meeting. This time, I will introduction the B1A4
High Touch meeting. What is high touch meeting? High Touch meeting in K-pop can
go casually so we only bought CD. A
lottery ticket is in the CD. The CD has
only hits. Let's High Touch meeting go. High touch ends in a moment. That is very sad.
High Touch is a moment really. The high
touch can be made all the members. The correspondence is different for each
person. For example there are a cheerful response, cool response, person who seem to be
tired, unfriendly attitude and loving response. This time, B1A4 was overall a cheerful
response, so I was interested. K-pop events are difficult for me to go to by
myself because there are mostly girls around. But, K-pop events are fun. High Touch meeting also I feel as cocert events because it is same as an event.